Sunday, December 7
Written by Kimmy the sofa:
Oh, my twitchy, witchy girl,
I think you are so nice,
I give you bowls of porridge,
I give you lots of ice,
I give you lots of kisses,
I give you lots of hugs,
But I never give you sandwiches,
with bugs,
Once upon a time, there was a girl who used to dance a lot, and her name was Apple. One day, she danced and danced till her feet turned into sausages. THE END.
Once upon a time, there was a sponge named Bob. Let’s call him Sponge-Bob, and he had an amazing sponge, which heals plankton rash. One day his friend, a starfish called Pat-Rick had plankton rash on his butt, which he had caught by accidentally squatting on plankton when a toilet was unavailable. Sponge-Bob says ‘AHA, Pat-Rick! I have a solution to your problem!’ and he rubbed his amazing sponge on Pat-Rick’s butt and the plankton rash magically disappeared. Both Pat-Rick and Sponge-Bob were both so happy that they danced and danced till their feet turned into sausages. THE END
k@ly$hA @ 12:44 PM