Wednesday, July 23
Bio lab...
@.@ oooh.... Bio today was really fun!!
we disected pig hearts!
we split into 2 groups and were each given a pig heart...Audrey and Michelle went crazy...they practically tore the heart apart and audrey hosted her own cooking show while michelle filmed it...omg, so hilarious!!
anyway, the other group [wes, amanda, jasmine and agnes] were more delicate with their heart and i eventually wandered over to watch their was actually more interesting...we could see all the different chambers and the tendons and cardiac was really cool!!
so here are some of the pics we took during the dissection (thanks to wes for the pics! ^^)
before dissection....
I think this is the right side of the heart...
they pull the valves to let blood through...
k@ly$hA @ 8:28 PM