Sunday, August 31
Malaysia Boleh! *coughcough*
Woohoo.. I had loads of fun saturday night.. ^^
Our Youth group had a recycling competition where each cell group has to design the national flag out of recycled materials..
At first I was really worried about my group because I was the only person who brought materials, and I suppose it’s partly my fault because I’m the group leader and I dind’t remind my members to bring stuff for the flag…so our resources were limited…
But everything turned out okay in the end..we pulled through and we won!! So happy! =D
This is our flag:
At first I was really worried about my group because I was the only person who brought materials, and I suppose it’s partly my fault because I’m the group leader and I dind’t remind my members to bring stuff for the flag…so our resources were limited…
But everything turned out okay in the end..we pulled through and we won!! So happy! =D
This is our flag:
And these are the flags of other groups…
k@ly$hA @ 1:21 PM
Saturday, August 30
rrss graduation '08
Yay! ^^ The graduation yesterday was great! I really enjoyed myself… I’m glad I decided to go, eventhough it was kinda sad watching all my classmates graduating while I sat there in the audience…but it’s okay…at least I was able to go..that’s good enough.. =)
And guess who I saw there……Dr Lee!
She was the LAST person I wanted to see there, but, as luck would have it, I bumped into her TWICE. I suppose it makes perfect sense that she would go, since Kar Lynn is graduating, but STILL….TWICE?! I couldn’t just ignore her so I greeted her and she greeted me back and the whole time I was praying she wouldn’t say something like “Haha! I caught you!” or “Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” Luckily, she didn’t seem angry…she was just her usual, happy, pleasant self.. =) phew!
Not only was the afternoon’s event a graduation, it was also a ‘prize giving ceremony’ of excellence awards..there was a staggering number of recipients – 247! And they all went up one by one by one. It took forever! And it was so cold! I sat there shivering the whole time….
FINALLY, the ‘excellent students’ were done and it was time for the graduates of 2008…
Then the whole ceremony was over and it was picture taking time! Here are just some of the pics I took; for the rest, head over here:
haha...can you find me? I'm the only one not in a graduation gown...
And the best part of it is, daddy didn’t come home until after me, so he has no idea I disappeared for a whole afternoon! =P
k@ly$hA @ 12:06 PM
farewell kee kiong less in our class now.... *sniff* ='(
Kee kiong is leaving us to go study chinese herbal medicine in Guangzhou.....the worst of it is, we didn't know until today - her last day!
so sad to see her leaving us....the class will be so much quieter without our chinese Opera Winfrey! =P
goodbyeee kee kiong....we wish you all the best in your studies! good luck!
Kee kiong is leaving us to go study chinese herbal medicine in Guangzhou.....the worst of it is, we didn't know until today - her last day!
so sad to see her leaving us....the class will be so much quieter without our chinese Opera Winfrey! =P
goodbyeee kee kiong....we wish you all the best in your studies! good luck!
k@ly$hA @ 12:01 PM
Thursday, August 28
SERIOUSLY random post
lol....i really have nothing to say...but since wesley has been nagging me non-stop to "just post something la...nothing to say just simply say anything"....aiya! i just post anything la...
haha.....sorry to everyone else, this is just a random post, cause i really can't think of anything to say..and since these pictures just happened to be on my pendrive....well, i think you can guess the rest...
nah, wesley! happy liao ma? satisfied?!
P.S. Wesley said 'yes'
k@ly$hA @ 4:05 PM
Wednesday, August 27
no longer suffering from indecision
I have made my choice. I am going to the graduation. My friends have been asking and asking if i'm going or not, and i finally decided. It's not like i'm going to miss much in physics....the teacher is SO slow, he makes a snail look like a speed racer.
Thank God daddy doesn't read my blog. If he did i think i would die.
Not literally, of course....Daddy doesn't scold me or's more of a psychological attack....he says how disappointed he is, and i can tell how angry he is by the tone of his voice and it just KILLS me inside, and makes me feel guilty as hell...and...and...okay, i'm not going to think about it. I'm going to just GO, take pictures, enjoy myself...and pray he doesn't find out. It's not that i want to do stuff behind his back, it's just that I'm afraid that if i ask him he'll say no, and i'd be disobeying him if i went, so i'd rather not let him it still so wrong?
k@ly$hA @ 9:53 PM
Tuesday, August 26
poor Jinky...
Aiyo.....i really kasihan Jinky today......poor Jinly......haha...
all day been bullied by michelle.... =P "w....w.....w.....w.....wesley!"'s really funny the way they tease's like no matter what Jinky says, they always have a comeback...hehe..some of them are really funny.... =P
but then again, i feel sorry for Jinky...i suppose he doesn't mind..everything seems to just bounce right back off him, so there's no harm done...
argh...RRSS graduation's coming's this friday...and i really really want to go....not to graduate, but just to watch my 'ex-classmates' [i really don't like calling them that] graduate... Originally it was set for saturday and i was so happy, cause i thought i could go...maybe go with yee fatt....but THEN it turns out it's on a FRIDAY and the only way i can go is if i miss physics....
if it were just up to me, it would miss the class without hesistation......BUT.......what if daddy found out? *gulp*
k@ly$hA @ 3:16 PM
Monday, August 25
gald it's over...
I am sooo glad next door's holiday is finally over..walking past that "ghost school" every day was very uncomfortable.. Not only that, sometimes during the week the school gate was locked, so I had to walk ONE BIG ROUND to use the RIT gate to get to class.. =___="
Sometimes i forgot, and didn't realise it was locked until i had walked all the way over to the RRSS side, and I seriously could NOT be bothered to go all the way round, so I just climbed over the fence in front of the canteen.....heheh...I hope no one saw me...what would they think? =P
Okay. enough talk of me climbing school property......
I watched the Closing Ceremony last wasn't as impressive as the Opening Ceremony..(which is kinda obvious, I guess..) I kinda liked the tower thing with all the people...that was really cool... =)
And i LOVED the London performance! I know a lot of people didn't think it was impressive (i heard a lot of critisism this morning), but I liked it because it really showed LONDON, if you know what i mean... It's always raining in London, so you'd be crazy to go out without your umbrella, and there are newspapers everwhere so all you see on the underground are people reading the day's paper...Beckham was a bit boring, i admit..all he did was kick a football.....ooh! and i LOVED the double decker! London trademark! I can't wait till 2012!
k@ly$hA @ 1:14 PM
Saturday, August 23
Robert, the Evil Doll
In 1900, Robert Eugene Otto was born in Key West, Florida, USA. Gene, as he came to be called, was the youngest of the family’s three boys.
The Ottos were a well-to-do family. But, unfortunately, money did not make them kind. By many accounts, they were often cruel to their servants. One of the servants who was very badly treated was a young girl. Apparently, she knew a few things about voodoo. To get even, she made a special doll for young Gene. Some say that she sewed a curse in it.
Gene gave the doll his own first name, Robert, and took it everywhere with him. Robert was about 90 cm tall and made of straw. Reportedly, the doll had been made to look just like the boy. It even wore clothes like Gene’s.
It soon became clear that Robert was not an ordinary doll. Mr and Mrs Otto sometimes heard Gene talking to Robert. Of course it’s not unusual for a child to talk to a toy. But someone – or something – always answered in a completely different voice. Who was talking? Was it Gene or was it Robert?
Strange things began to happen in the Otto house. Pictures fell off the walls and broke. Doors locked themselves. But no matter what happened, Gene always said ‘Robert did it.’
Perhaps Gene was right. Other people claimed to have heard the doll giggle. Others said they had seen it running up the stairs. People walking by the house sometimes saw the doll watching them from the turret-room window!
Gene was a talented artist. He grew up and went away to school . For several years he lived in Europe, where he studied and painted. It was in Paris that he met his wife, Anne.
The Gene’s parents died and he inherited the house. When Gene and Anne moved in, the young husband found Robert in the attic. Gene’s fixation on the evil doll began all over again.
Anne hated Robert – and she especially hated her husband’s fascination with the doll. Finally, to make Anne happy, Gene put Robert in the tower room. Still, Anne claimed that she could hear someone laughing and running around in that room. But when she went upstairs to see what it was, she found only Robert.
Gene and Anne died in the 1970s. Robert was taken to the Key West Martello Museum, where he’s on display today. But beware! Visitors report that their cameras malfunction when they try to photograph Robert.
Some also report hearing someone – or something – tapping on the glass of Robert’s display case. When they turn to look, they see the doll’s hand on the glass. Is Robert still scaring people?
[Adapted from 'Strange But True Stories']
k@ly$hA @ 11:08 AM
yes! Bio safe laio...
YES! I got it!! Eureka!
If anyone needs help with the bio, can follow this url:
k@ly$hA @ 11:03 AM
Friday, August 22
Oh.My.God. Bio so blur today @.@..... Humoral immuntiy...cell-mediated response.....T cells....B cells...T helper cells.....activation phase...antigen presentation....what? what? what?
I didn't understand anything Ms May said today....the things she taught were so 'new', so 'fresh'..never seen or heard of before..argh!
After explaining, Ms May just said to read the notes, and if don't understand, read them again, and if still don't understand, read them AGAIN!
someone help me please.....michelle? wesley? amanda? agnes?
k@ly$hA @ 1:19 PM
Thursday, August 21
bebo quiz results
I recently took a few quizes on my bebo account just for fun, coz i was bored.... and to be honest, they're actually quite accurate.. more accurate than the stupid ones on friendster..
Your Result
You like peace and don't enjoy arguments. When an argument does break out, you don't take sides but try to see where each side is coming from, and understand there point of view!
who is youre true love (girls only)
My result is: you’ve met
you’ve met once and you’ve both fancied one another but were to shy to admit it ,luckily for you you’ve been given another chance to enjoy!
Why Do Guys Love You??
My result is: Caring Girl
Guys love how you’re committed to your friends and look after others more than yourself. To you your friends come first =)But be careful . . . Guys might like you but if you don't notice or react . . . nothing will happen :(
What Type of Kisser Are You?
My result is: the pecker
You like to keep things innocent until you know how much you like the other person. You don't let just ANYone kiss you...
What type of gurl are u?
My result is: Average Girl
Your an average girl, you have your ups and downs but u always come through. you know when to be naughty and when to be good. You make ok grades and your career will be decent.
What Kind Of Teen Are You?
My result is: Awesome(cool, normal)
You are normal! Thank god! You don't care if people talk bad about you, you help out your friends when they need help, you're not an asshole. You is what WE need as a prez!
[especially this one:]
Does He Like You?
F is for FRIENDS that do stuff together.
Do I sense the feeling of a playful friendship? He may like you but is too shy to tell... or he just wants to be friends....keep working at it! or just ask...
Try On the Hogwarts Sorting Hat.
My result is: You are in HUFFLEPUFF
"You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil."
k@ly$hA @ 3:59 PM
Wednesday, August 20
things i wish i could say to certain people:
~ i MISS you....have you forgotten all about me?
~ i wish there was something more between us, but i doubt there ever will be...
~ hahaha! you are so funny! you crack me up all the time!
~ I'm sorry if i seem to be growing more rebellious, i hope to stay your little girl forever...
~ I'm flattered you think so highly of my art, especially my swan.. ^^
~ cheer up! please smile again... i haven't spoken to you in so long, i just hope your're okay...
~ THANK YOU for always being there for me, you never let me down! You're the nicest friend anyone could ask for!
~ I miss you all so much. i hope you don't think of me as an outsider or intruder every time i come back...
~ relax, calm down, take a breath. you overthink worry too much....
~ pull yourself together! quit being so sloppy or you'll get kicked out! i KNOW you can do better.
k@ly$hA @ 10:17 PM
dumb quiz
Okay, so since Michelle tagged me in her last post, i guess i'll have to play this 'game' too...
btw, I took a bit from here and there so it's not exactly the same...
Name 10 people you can think of right off the top of your head.
Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 10 people.
This is a lot funnier if you actually
randomly list the names first.
No cheating.♥
1. Elie
2. Yee Fatt
3. Michelle
4. Mandy
5. Amanda
6. Wes
7. Hui Kiat
8. Jun How
9. Gabriel
10. Audrey
1. how did u meet no. 4?
~ in church and later on in school
2. Do you have a crush on anyone up there?
3. What would you do if you hadn't met
number 1?
~ my life would be a lot duller; and I'd would have experienced a lot less pain from laughing so hard... =P
4.What would you do if 6 and 2 were
going out?
~ erm......i REALLY don't think that would happen.....
5. How did you meet number 8?
~ in church
6. Is 2 one of your best friends?
~ Yep.
7. Whose number 9's best friend(s)?
~ Jun How I would think...
8. Have you ever dated number 1 ?
~ lol...eew no... I'd be lesbian if i did....
9. Do you miss number 4?
~ during the weekdays, yes...but i usually see her during the weekends...^^
10. What do u think of number 6?
~ funny, cool... always 'gek' people... always make me laugh.. =P
11.what do you think of number 7?
~ nice, quiet, a bit shy, like me... very friendly once you get to know him...
12. who does number 3 like?
~ omg, i have NO idea... she doesn't tell me anything anymore.... =(
13. Have you ever been inside number 8's house?
~ nope... i've been outside it though....
14. Do you love number 9?
~ as a little brother i guess....
15. Ever been in the same bed as any of the numbers?
~ hehe..yep.... i used to go for sleepovers with one of them.. ^^
16. What about number 5?
~ what about number 5? have i slept in the same bed?'ve only known her a few months..
17. Do you trust these people?
~ (some of them) with my life....
18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
~ lol...i dunno... no one i think...
19. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
~ omg, LOL LOL LOL!!!! one won't speak and the other won't stop!
22. What is no.2 studying?
~ Form 5 science
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
~ just now in Bio lab..
24. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
~ wow...i have NO IDEA.... but if i had to guess, i'd say chinese songs...
25. Does no.1 have any siblings?
~ yeap - a younger brother and an elder sister.
26. Is no.4 single?
~ as far as i know, yes..
29. What is the surname of no.5?
~ Yao
30. What’s the hobby of no.4?
~ dancing
31. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
~ haha, they've never met...
32. What colour does no.4 like?
k@ly$hA @ 10:28 AM
Monday, August 18
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to wesley and marcus!!
we celebrated their birthdays together today, eventhough wes' isn't until tomorrow..
we all chipped in to buy a cake for them, and here it is!
I know it doesn't seem much, but it was really nice! it was "imported" all the way from Brunei! =P
Birthday boys...
k@ly$hA @ 3:25 PM
Friday, August 15
The Dark History Of Nursery Rhymes
Most people are familiar with "Ring around the rosy" and "London Bridge is falling down". Little children have played these charming nursery rhyme games for generations.
But these rhymes weren't always 'fun and games'. In fact, both of them have dark and frightening history.
In 1665, the bubonic plague - also called the 'Black Death' - arrived in London. This horrifying disease was brought into the city by rats that had stowed away on ships. No one had any idea how to stop the infection from spreading. The words to the innocent-sounding nursery rhyme tell the story of this terrible time.
'Ring around the rosy' -- Victims of the plague broke out with a rosy red rash in the shape of a ring.
'A pocketful of posies' -- At that time, some people believed that the plague was spread by bad odours. So they carried sweet-smelling flowers and herbs in their pockets to protect themselves.
'Ah-tishoo, ah-tishoo' -- An imitation of sneezing, a symptom of the disease.
'We all fall down' -- The last word, which is now 'down', means 'dead'. About a third of London's population died during that awful outbreak.
In 1666, a raging fire broke out that destroyed half of London. But it also killed many of the rats. Some people believed that the fire actually helped stop the spread of the disease.
"London Bridge is falling down" is another favourite nursery rhyme game you probably played as a child. Very few people know that this rhyme also refers to a grim reality from the past.
In ancient times, people's beliefs were based on superstitions rather than science. Many believed that there was just one sure way to keep a bridge standing. That was to offer a human sacrifice by entombing a living person in the structure.
The sacrifice was often a child or an innocent young a woman - the 'My fair lady' of the rhyme. The idea was that the person walled up in the bridge's foundation would become a guardian spirit. That's what is meant by 'Set a man (as in person) to watch all night', another line in the rhyme.
People in countries around the world shared this same superstition. Even today, when ancient bridges are torn down, skeletons are sometimes found in the foundations. According to one legend, the stones of the real London Bridge were once spattered with the blood of little children!
[Adapted from 'Strange But True Stories']
k@ly$hA @ 3:41 PM
Tuesday, August 12
chemistry lab
lol....that's jin kiat and audrey....
Jin kiat surprised us with his 'nerd' look..he's usually much cooler than that..
Jin kiat surprised us with his 'nerd' look..he's usually much cooler than that..
and we tried desperately to 'girl-ise' audrey....
no use though... =P
we had chemistry lab today....was kinda scary....dr lee started out u lecturing us on safety precautions and kept on warning us about breaking thermometers...she said if we break it we clean it up ourselves... @.@
chemical equation of the day:
Mg + 2HCl = MgCl2 + H2
first we took 0.65g of Mg powder and 50cm3 of HCl and mix it together...then.....psssssst!
Heat energy!! lots of steam coming out of the cup! very cool! ^^
that was mostly it..after that, the temperature was taken every 30 seconds for the next 5 minutes, then we had to draw a graph and do calculations and stuff....
k@ly$hA @ 3:20 PM
Sunday, August 10
Woo~ last night was so cool!! @.@
There was a blackout throughout all of Miri, and I was at Youth at the time.. we were singing hymns and went pitch black! It was so awesome!! It was that kind of pitch black where you can't even see your own hand if you hold it up to your face....
then little specks of light started appearing here and there...we all started taking out our handphones.. =P
Then the real fun began...
Some of us started hunting around for candles and we found a box or two.. we lit them and set them up all around the room.....heheh..really romantic! =P
Then we just carried on with our service.. we played some games, listened to a short sermon, [our topic for the night was 'the consequences of cheating'] and just basically had a great time like we usually have! you know, apart from the fact that it was REALLY HOT and we were all sweating and fanning ourselves... =P
then towards the end of the night at around 9:30, just as we're finishing, and everyone's getting into each other's cars....the lights come back on! and we're all like, "oh, NOW it comes back on!!" yeah, it was a really fun night, and think about how much electricity was saved and how much help it did for the ozone layer!! =O =P
k@ly$hA @ 2:55 PM
Friday, August 8
missing out...
I sometimes get the feeling like I'm missing out on stuff. Like so much is going on, stuff I would have been part of, but not part of now. It started with the drama competition, then the concert, then the concert appreciation dinner, and soon, the graduation.
I'm kinda bummed out that I won't be graduating from high school...It's something I've been looking forward to for quite a while...and then it turns out I can't graduate, because technically I'm not a student of that school anymore...
*sigh* I miss them. I really do. The whole class. The clowns [Arvin, Kah Yung, Andy, Michael] who never failed to make me laugh; the girls [Mei Mei, Shook Ching and Mei Na] who were always there to lend a listening ear; the quieter, more sentimental boys [Hui Kiat & Jin Fatt]; the bookworms [Vivian, Ginny & Leslie]; Kar Lynn, the one who keeps the class alive; the athletes [Fui Ping, Kee Sam & Kim Fui]; our "beloved" class monitor, Yew Yan; Yew Hui, who was my dearest friend, and who grows more and more distant everyday; and last and definately not least, the one who still remains closest, and means the most to me, Yee Fatt.
All these wonderful people blend perfectly together to form the aromatic flavour of F5A, class of 2008, a class I will never forget.
k@ly$hA @ 1:13 PM
Tuesday, August 5
Every choice has an outcome. Every choice has consequences.
I made a choice, and now I'm suffering the consequences.
I can't carry on pretending. I have to let go. I'm losing my friends one by one. One. by. one. It feels like each limb is being torn painfully from my body, and my heart is preparing itself for the final separation. Eventhough it feels like it's being wrenched out, it's persevered the's still hanging on...just by a thread...
When I chose this path, I knew it would be bumpy, I just had no idea it would be so abandoning... I had no idea how much I would be leaving behind, how each time I go back, I would feel less and less unwelcome, less and less wanted..
People who used to be so kills me to see them drift away one by one, no matter how hard I try to cling on to them...
I made my choice. Now I must suffer the consequences.
k@ly$hA @ 11:32 PM
exam results are finally out....honestly, i feel so relieved... i seriously thought i would get really low marks these exams....
I got mosly B's, so it's okay....maybe an A for critical thinking, but I'm not sure yet....
During these exams i felt so worried and put my trust completely in Him, i prayed every night, and begged Him to let me pass all my papers, and everything turned out fine...i am SO thankful He helped me through it all...
k@ly$hA @ 3:31 PM
Sunday, August 3
In The Driver's Seat
"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
--Matthew 5:16
I love the story of the stressed-out woman who was tailgating a man as they drove on a busy boulevard. When he slowed to stop at a yellow light, the woman hit the horn, cussing and screaming in frustration and gesturing angrily. As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a police officer who ordered her to exit the car with her hands up. He took her to the police station and placed her in a holding cell.
An hour later, the officer returned and said, "I'm sorry, Ma'am. This has been a big mistake. When I pulled up behind you, I noticed your 'What Would Jesus Do?' licence plate holder and your 'Follow Me To Sunday School' bumper sticker. I assumed the car was stolen!"
Satan doesn't care much if you're a Christian as long as you don't act like one. If he can get you to live by his signals, he can damage and disarm you every time you dishonor the name of Christ in the process.
Instead, Jesus calls us to be 'salt' and to "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matt. 5:16).
With Jesus in the driver's seat of our lives, we can show off the love and glory of God.
---Joe Stowell
Called to be salt and light in this world,
Called to preserve and to shine,
Called to reflect the glory of God--
Oh, what a calling is mine!
Don't let Satan manage the details of your life.
[Adapted from 'Our Daily Bread']
k@ly$hA @ 4:04 PM
Friday, August 1
random pics after exams....
so yeah...these are just some completely random and completely idiotic pics that me, wes and amanda took after our final exam - maths.
actually, me and wes were accompanying amanda (coz we're the best.. =P) while she was waiting for her neice to finish (which was at 1pm), so we ended up accompanying her for.......(hang on, give me a minute to count)..........3 hours.
it wasn't too bad....we talked about stuff, and some more stuff, and some more stuff...haha...okay..being dumb...this is kalysha....signing out!
k@ly$hA @ 8:47 PM
exams are over...
Yes! Exams are finally over! So relieved.....
But to be honest, I don't think i did so well these exams.... i'm not that confident about any subjects....especially physics....even bio didn't go well....
I'm so disappointed with myself...i really studied for these exams...i started preparing two weeks before...and yet i still couldn't do well...
What sucks so much is the fact that I put so much effort into studying...if i still get really low marks, then what would have been the point of studying so hard? Might as well have not studied at all....
k@ly$hA @ 2:49 PM