Saturday, August 30
rrss graduation '08
Yay! ^^ The graduation yesterday was great! I really enjoyed myself… I’m glad I decided to go, eventhough it was kinda sad watching all my classmates graduating while I sat there in the audience…but it’s okay…at least I was able to go..that’s good enough.. =)
And guess who I saw there……Dr Lee!
She was the LAST person I wanted to see there, but, as luck would have it, I bumped into her TWICE. I suppose it makes perfect sense that she would go, since Kar Lynn is graduating, but STILL….TWICE?! I couldn’t just ignore her so I greeted her and she greeted me back and the whole time I was praying she wouldn’t say something like “Haha! I caught you!” or “Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” Luckily, she didn’t seem angry…she was just her usual, happy, pleasant self.. =) phew!
Not only was the afternoon’s event a graduation, it was also a ‘prize giving ceremony’ of excellence awards..there was a staggering number of recipients – 247! And they all went up one by one by one. It took forever! And it was so cold! I sat there shivering the whole time….
FINALLY, the ‘excellent students’ were done and it was time for the graduates of 2008…
Then the whole ceremony was over and it was picture taking time! Here are just some of the pics I took; for the rest, head over here:
haha...can you find me? I'm the only one not in a graduation gown...
And the best part of it is, daddy didn’t come home until after me, so he has no idea I disappeared for a whole afternoon! =P
k@ly$hA @ 12:06 PM