after MONTHS of looking for it, i finally found the book i've been looking for:

A twenty-six-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years of storms and questions. if you know nothing of the Bible, start here. if you know everything in the Bible, return here. We all need the reminder. the heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And god’s treatment is prescribed in John 3:16.
I am loving my new phone!!! =D =D =D

another video by of my favourites! the people you hear speaking are the Doctor's friends/companions... they're describing him and talking of their experiences with him...
i've just said goodbye to yet another friend who's left to further their studies....
one by one.....they all leave.....mandy, guan yi, yee fatt, yew hui...
i guess this is part of life...learning to say goodbye to people you've come to love...
for example..why was it so hard for me to lift up my arms and give him a hug this morning? i dunno...maybe because there were so many family members there (7 - i counted)...i wanted so badly to give him a gesture to say how much i would miss him, but ARGH! i don't know why it was so hard for me! and unless he comes back to miri during cny, then this morning was the last time i'd see him...he's off to kl to study for 2.5 years, so by the time he comes back i'll be long gone...
argh...seeing all my friends leave makes me want to leave too...i want to hurry up and fly to uk and start over....can next year please come faster?
Okay, I’m guessing no one who reads my blog has ever heard of Doctor Who (which is a wicked awesome British tv series and i love it!!) so I’ll start with the basics:
The series started in the 1960’s stopped for a long time and only started again recently.
It’s about a time lord called the Doctor. The time lords were sort of like the peacemakers of the universe, but they were all killed in a huge war known as the Time War, and the Doctor is the only survivor.
Another important thing about the time lords is that they don’t die – their bodies can still be damaged, but they regenerate – the body changes and repairs itself and the time lord lives on.
And as the doctor is the only one left, he lives a pretty lonely life… He sometimes finds human companions and brings them on all sorts of adventures, but unfortunately they never stay with him long…something always happens to them…the doctor has lost so much in his long life – his home, his family, his friends, and he seems to keep on losing people he loves..
this video is made by seduff and depicts perfectly the doctor’s loss… ='(
I've only ever read the comments of fellow dr who fans, so i'm showing it to people who have never watched the series, let me know what you think....
(another video to be posted soon)
what? so everything revolves around you?
Nah, it works both ways now. You don't tell me anything, I don't tell YOU anything. Don't like it? Tough.
I see you packing your suitcase out of the blue one morning before i head off for school...
"Oh, you're packing. Where are you going?"
"I'm going to Kuching, Kalysha."
*slightly taken aback* "oh, how come you didn't tell me?"
"What, I have to get your permission, do I?"
You spend half your time away, you're going to miss things. (there's no such thing as email?)
I tell mummy everything. You know why? Because she's HERE.
My life could be falling to pieces, my studies could be going down the drain, what would you care?
You spend more than half your time away from home, and when you're back it's as though you're not. You hide in your study all day with your eyes glued to the computer.
We can't even sit down and watch a movie together. Half way through you go back to your computer. "Work comes first, Kalysha"
Your 3 weeks are almost up, you haven't even spent 2 hours QT with me. I mean, it's not as though you ever take us out, treat us to anything, or do anything with us. It's just you and your computer and your pub and your friends. WHAT ABOUT YOUR KIDS??
okay, you take james to his karate sessions once a week, i'll give you that, and you took me to des-optics to get my glasses (btw, we fought on the way there, remember? you and your friggin' directions. Is it my fault the girl has crap english?? I'm just repeating word by word what she said!)
You know what? just go. I don't care anymore. if this keeps going, you're going to lose me.

what?? i just checked my email yesterday....

dammit, all that studying for nothing.
What kind of crappy holiday is this where you have to study study study every day???

these holidays suck..... ='(

Last night i learnt a valuable lesson:
i CANNOT sing when i'm nervous.
seriously, my hands were shaking, my knees felt weak, my throat closed up, and my voice was reduced to a squeak.
Okay, I'll start from the beginning....
last night, my neighbours held a party to celebrate their daughter's 2nd birthday (actually, it was just an excuse for the grown ups to have fun, it wasn't much of a kid's party)
And because i had Youth, i wasn't able to go until around 9:30, and by then the party was in full swing, and i'll give them this: they really know how to party...
The food was almost gone (but there was still some left for my dinner..hehe) and.......wait for it........they had a live band performing!!
actually it was the live band which attracted me in the first place... I had arrived home already, and wasn't really planning on going...but then i heard the drums....and well, it brought back i rushed over. [btw, the band consisted of 30+, 40+ yr old local guys, bit of a disappointment when i got there]
So anyway........i ate, laughed, danced a bit....the band was actually like a karaoke system...they played the music while the guests sang...
And i was enjoying myself so much, i thought, 'hey, why not?'
so i flipped through the songbook, found a song i knew [Bon Jovi's You Give Love A Bad Name] and went up. thinking back, i don't know WHAT came over me....since when do i voluntarily walk onstage to sing? (there's actually more to it, but i'll get to that later)
Well, like i said, my throat closed up, and all that became of my voice was a pipsqeak, and i sounded terrible, and i just COULD NOT sing....and yet, the people watching cheered and shouted and applauded (either they were very drunk, or they were just excited to finally see a girl go up)
I think that was the point though.... No matter how much you suck at singing, they cheer for you and encourage you... (trust me, i wasn't the only one who sucked) I guess the whole point is that you hitched up your jeans, pushed back your sleeves, and stepped up to sing. The main thing is that you have fun.
And eventhough my voice was a squeak, the audience sang along...
"shot through the heart, and you're to blame, you give love A BAD NAME" was just surreal... =D
And....oh, i almost forgot to mention the SUPER CUTE guy who was smiling at me the whole night.....heheh.... he's the one who pulled me on stage to sing in the first place... and while i was squeaking away, he was right there swaying and clapping to the music and smiling at me.... *blushes*
so yeah.....eventhough i had loads of fun last night, i think maybe i should save my voice for God, just sing in church, it seems to be the only place where i can sing throat doesn't close up and my hands don't shake when i sing in church.... =P
wahaha.....been fiddling around again.... with different people this time..... i really really like the first one.... =D
haha....i've recently discovered the wonders of photoshop(actually photostudio...but who cares?)...i never knew it could be so fun.....i never actually learnt how to use it, as in, no one ever told me what to do, i just fiddled around and tried out random tools...heheh...

so i started looking through some files on my computer and found some nice ones....cut us out and stuck us on the background.... =D ta-da!

by Max Lucado
If your God is Mighty enough to ignite the sun, could it be that He is mighty enough to light your path?
God is for you.
Not “may be,” not “has been,” not “was,” not “would be,” but “God is!”
He is for you.
Today. At this hour. At this minute. As you read this sentence.
No need to wait in line or come back tomorrow.
He is with you.
He could not be closer than he is at this second.
His loyalty won’t increase if you are better nor lessen if you are worse.
He is for you.
God is for you. Turn to the sidelines; that’s God cheering your run.
Look past the finish line; that’s God applauding your steps.
Listen for him in the bleachers, shouting your name.
Too tired to continue? He’ll carry you.
Too discouraged to fight? He’s picking you up.
God is for you.
God is for you.
Had he a calendar, your birthday would be circled.
If he drove a car, your name would be on his bumper.
If there’s a tree in heaven, he’s carved your name in the bark.
We know he has a tattoo, and we know what it says.
“I have written your name on my hand,” he declares (Isa. 49:16).